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Mission Statement 

To carry out the healing ministry of the church to the under-served and often forgotten members of our community in order to facilitate emotional, physical and spiritual healing.


Our vision is to enable broken people to experience the love of God through a community of supportive people by providing human services that address immediate and short-term needs in the areas of homelessness addiction, Deaf services, geriatric services and hunger.


Reverence-Profound respect and awe for God that is demonstrated in our relationship with all that He created.


Integrity-We will adhere to high moral and ethical principles.


Compassion-We will demonstrate consistent kindness, caring attitude, and a willingness to enter the pain and struggle of our clients in order to lead them to a place of healing.


Excellence-We will strive to give our personal best in all situations.



Our Goal

Our goal is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in the community so that through His teachings all people can receive salvation from the power, presence and penalty of sin through faith in His name; and then through obedience to His written word, His people can receive deliverance from any destructive habits brought about through sin.


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